I graduated, I am a bit happy, a little regret, a little free, it is a bit

xiaoxiao2021-04-11  1.3K+

After graduation, the girlfriend also naturally put on the agenda, just at last night, a groud meal also became a memories, I remember, I know that I will not forget this meal, but I don't dare to guarantee. This meal, after all, there is not deep feelings, my meal, many people drink a lot, I really think they still treat it as a meal, really willing to drink for the last dinner of this university. Drunk, leaving a good memory, I also spit it, but I think I didn't drink much, in fact, I always thought that I was the most wakeful thing in it, at least a clear side of the surface, but For everyone thinks, I don't dare to say anything, it is difficult to measure, remember to come to me, but I haven't spoke to my character, I haven't found it again for more than a year. She feels happy before, I feel that I have nothing to say, huh, huh, I really feel a bit ridiculous, how to make people, how must I know, I feel a bit uncomfortable, but I really don't have any way to solve, or That, you don't care about you, even if I don't want to do this, I don't think it is private, I still like the C to do my girlfriend, for transmission, may also I can't do this, although I still want to know, I still want to ask again that she will be my girlfriend, maybe this will be a fascination, feeling really a problem, in fact, these days have been hesitating I shouldn't now find a girlfriend now. If you decide to chase anyone, I have been struggling with this choice. In fact, I will eat with my sister, indirectly say, my sister helped me with me. Note that there is nothing more than a year, it is not a fairy story, not very reasonable, and my sister doesn't know why, it seems that I have been impressed with her, I think she is a bit too lively, it is really a bit lively. So sometimes I have a little wonder, how can I like her, huh, huh, it is difficult to explain it, my sister has also touched the C, listening to me, I'm impressed, I can try it. And I actually think I really start like her, and have a feeling of worrying, I don't want to have a good or bad, it doesn't matter, it is really a little fear, the more it is, my sister also said that I have said breakfast. Ok, so I feel that there is a big thing in a few days, still a bit nervous, I really hope that she can be my girlfriend, I really hurt her, and I think it will be together. Very happy, and I think if she will be very happy with me, I will try to do this! However, these things are going to be destined, and I will not be too deliberate, I'm not too deep now.

Also, my sister makes me help with her to see a program, I will work hard, although I don't have anything to change this program to ideals, but try to, after all, my sister is in the only one in the university. Cherish friends, other things don't reach this level, or you like people (this is not much ^ _ ^), and that deep friendship, there is no second, it is also a university. Harvest, you can have more such friends, huh, huh

Come on!


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