Use the listener to track the lifecycle of the Session and the properties of the session

xiaoxiao2021-04-10  551

1. Use the listener to track the life cycle of the session

Method: Create a listener that implements the HTTPSessionListener interface, then register the class again at the deployment description file.

Note: Servlet API provides a Javax.Servlet.http.httpSessionListener interface to respond to sessions creation and destruction. This interface defines two methods: sessionCreated () and sessionDestoryed (), each method accepts an HttpSessionEvent parameter. (Implementing a class to provide a parameter-free constructor).

E G: Public Class SessionListener Implements HttpSessionListenceListence {

PUBLIC sessionListener () {};

Public void sessioncreated (httpsessioneverive) {

// code


Public void sessionDestoryed (httpsessionever event event) {

// code



Finally, register the listener in web.xml>

II. Listener tracking the properties of the session

Method: Create a listener that implements the HTTPSESESSATRIBURTELISTENER interface and register the class again at the deployment description file.

Note: Servlet API provides a javax.servlet.http.httpsessionattriburtelistener interface that defines three ways: Attributeadd (), AttributeRemove (), AttributeREPLACE (), three methods accept an HttpSessionBingDingevent type parameter. (Implementing a class to provide a parameter-free constructor).

E g: public class sessionattributeListener imports httpsessionattributeListenter {

Public sessionattributeListener () {};

Public void attributeadded (httpsessionBindingEvent evenet) {

// code


Public void attributemove (httpsessionBindingEvent evenet) {

// code


Public void attributeplace (httpsessionBindingEvent evenet) {


Finally, register the listener in web.xml>


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